Purpose and Mission

The Eastview Lightning Dance Team is a cooperative group of dancers/athletes who strive to promote the vision of EVHS athletics. The goal is to promote school spirit and involvement, teamwork, dedication, strong work ethic, and respect. A successful team is a result of two things: mutual respect among team members and a common vision about where the team is going.

The mission of the Eastview LDT is to provide dancers with a successful and meaningful educational experience. Team members have personal goals of high academic achievement, increasing their dance ability, learning effective time management, forming strong friendships, and learning to become a valuable team member. The success of this team is due to the incredible dedication from the dancers, parent involvement, and experienced coaches. Dancers exhibit great sportsmanship, positive attitudes toward teammates, competitors, school, and parents. The dancers have the utmost respect for their coaching staff.

The Lightning Dance Team is comprised of three different teams who work separately to achieve the goals of the program. The B-squad and Junior Varsity teams were established to provide a place for young or less experienced dancers to learn the techniques, traditions, and values of the LDT. This is a preparatory program for the Varsity team. The B-squad, JV and Varsity teams represent Eastview High School in a competition capacity. All teams work very hard to support each other and all other programs at Eastview.

Selection & Eligibility

All female athletes between the grades of 9-12 are eligible to tryout for the dance team. The LDT Varsity team honors the gifted athlete program as well. The audition process will take place in the spring. A qualified panel of judges will be brought in to assist in selecting the team. Candidates must attend an audition workshop to be familiar with necessary material for auditions.

  • All dancers must audition every year.
  • No scores or judges sheets will be distributed.
  • Dancers making it past the audition process will be placed on the Junior Varsity or Varsity team.
  • Final placement decision will be up to the coaching staff and decisions may not be disputed.

Competitive Season: Not each member of the team will dance at every competition. Cuts will be made for each individual competition based on coaches’ discretion and will only be discussed with the dancer.  Coaches will exercise the ability to move dancers between the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams at any time.

Team Expectations

Every member of the Lightning Dance Team will be held accountable for her actions at all times. This includes outside of practice. If her actions are not in the best interest of the team or will in anyway jeopardize the goals, expectations, reputation and well being of the team, she will be punished. This takes simple common sense; know the difference between right and wrong. Take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to be a strong, trustworthy, and valuable team member. 

RESPECT: All dancers must show respect to all coaches, team members, administration, and faculty. Respect the school facilities and property.

COMMUNICATION: To provide a comfortable and successful environment all lines of communications must be open between coaches, captains, team members, and parents.

DEDICATION: It is expected that when a dancer is in practice that she being giving 100% of her effort at all times. Furthermore she must be at all practices and events fully prepared.

SUPPORT: All coaches, dancers, and parents are expected to show support to our program as a whole. Without complete support from all groups, we cannot effectively continue to build a strong, cohesive team.

PRIDE: Show pride in role as a member of the Lightning Dance Team and as representative of Eastview High School. It is an honor to be a part of this strong and successful tradition.